The Mooting and Debating Club (MDC) is a student-run organisation dedicated to promoting oratorical skills and the passion for mooting, debating and advocacy among law students.
Every year, MDC organises a variety of different moots in collaboration with Singapore’s leading law firms, including, the BA Mallal Moot with Allen & Gledhill, the Advocacy Cup with Drew & Napier, WongPartnership International Commercial Arbitration Moot and the CMS IP Moot. NUS Law mooters also take part in several prestigious international moots, including the Philip C. Jessup Moot, Willem C. Vis International Arbitration Moot, Nuremberg Moot Court Competition, Asia Cup, International Maritime Arbitration Moot, Oxford IP Moot amongst many others every year.
MDC regularly organises structured talks and workshops, conducted by experienced seniors, MDC alumni and practicing lawyers to increase the quality of our mooters and provide valuable opportunities for students to refresh and polish their skills, where each member of MDC will have the unique opportunity to liaise with and work alongside distinguished members of the legal profession.